Hey, I’m Cara.

Entrepreneur. Daydreamer. Goal Getter. Mama & Wife.

Cara Chace on bench, about me page photo

A Special Agent, a Metalhead, and a Marketing Expert all walk into a bar...

My Story

If you thought this was a joke with a punchline, I don't blame you…

But it's not - it's the short version of my professional career. I was recruited as a Special Agent right out of college and spent 10 years waiting for it to be as cool as the movies. (Spoiler Alert: It's not)

That's not to say I didn't do some high-speed, seriously cool shiznit and didn't learn some amazing skills. I just didn't want to spend the rest of my life owning nothing about my life, my time, or being told "we've always done it this way" one more time.

So I did what any normal person would do after quitting a high-paying, stable job with no idea what to do next...

I created a job for myself as the Social Media Manager for the band Megadeth back in 2012 (when social media was the wild west) and managed 13 million raving fans. It was fun. It was cool. It paid shit and I worked crazy hours with no childcare for my newborn. I stayed long enough for the street cred to do my own thing and peaced out.

I started my own business because I had tried everything else and nothing worked for me or what I knew deep inside I wanted my life to feel like.

I wasn't a born entrepreneur - but it was time to figure it out.

I tried the hustle.

I tried the downloads, courses, coaches, masterminds, and programs that seemed like the solution to my problem. The problem being, not enough income and random success landing clients (most of which were a terrible fit).

Turns out, I wasn't trying to solve the right problem.

I was trying to muscle my way into enough knowledge, more hours in the day, and good graces from my family to force it all to work.

The hustle left me feeling like an underpaid intern and a short-tempered wife and mom.

My mission is to help my peers WORK BETTER so they can live well.

The Solution

After a year (ok, maybe 2) of working myself to the point of tears and endlessly checking off the to-do's that everyone else said I "should" do, I created a simple spreadsheet to help me structure my time during the week.

It was flexible. It was realistic. It was structured enough to give me the deep focus work time I craved, while still letting me adjust to whatever life threw at me.

That time for deep focus work is what finally got me to the tipping point of profitability and a reliable client funnel.

It's the basis of what I now call the Theme Day Planning Method - and it carried me through being a baby entrepreneur, growing our family, all the 2020 craziness, and all the schedule and priority changes in between.

But most importantly, I learned how to create healthy boundaries for myself and my time. I can truly prioritize self-care and family. While every day is not balanced, I can say that my life is.

I have discovered how to Work Better, so I can Live Well - and I want you to discover that too.

Our Values

Just in case they’re not obvious.

  • Let's get you back to the freedom to make choices in your business and your life - like how to spend your time and with whom.

  • Less stressful decision-making. Spaciousness in your schedule. Know what to work on when. With a deeply satisfied smile and feeling like you're a Boss.

  • Knowing how to create that magic "in the flow" focus any time you need to, not just on accident. Knowing if that next course/program/mastermind is a good fit right now. A steady, foundational understanding of what to focus on to build your business the way YOU want to.

  • Getting off track, schedules changing, a bad day - they all happen. You'll know how to guide yourself gently back to center. To re-focus, adjust, and keep building.

  • We have a sense of humor and strong priorities in everything we put out into the world.

Can’t Live Without


Almost every workday around 1PM I find myself in the “clickhole of doom”. I can’t focus, I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing, and everything feels like pushing water uphill. A 15-minute power nap fixes me right up (try searching on YouTube for one you like) so I can get a second wind and finish my workday strong.


I discovered Bulletproof Coffee several years ago when learning more about hidden toxins in our food. It’s become essential for my brain, body, and a simple morning routine (it’s my breakfast!). Read more about the bulletproof diet here.


I re-discovered my love of reading a few years ago when I felt the need to disconnect from social media and the news (I’ve always loved reading but adult life got busy). I read everything from personal development and business, to historical fiction and fantasy. Now I average at least 1 book a week. Having a Kindle Unlimited subscription makes this good habit affordable and easy.


Fresh air and taking in the beauty of nature are essential to my mindset and wellbeing. Sometimes it’s listening to Abraham Hicks by the river, or playing outside with the kids, or simply coffee on the porch. Those little moments of peace remind me that the universe works in perfect harmony and everything is ok.

What I Believe In

I believe that you can be a high-achieving woman — focused, driven, and intense — while still prioritizing yourself (and your family) and saying no to going a hundred miles per hour all the time.

I believe in throwing away the “online marketing playbook” of what everyone says you have to do to succeed in business and following your instincts to define what success looks like for you.

At the core of everything I believe in:

  • Kindess and compassion

  • Constant self-reflection and honesty with yourself

  • Integrity and follow through

  • Personal responsibility over your life experience