How To Quickly Add a Pinterest Segment in Google Analytics

GA4 Update

As of July 1, 2023, the old Universal Analytics is no longer collecting data on your website, and the new GA4 is the only way to track your website data going forward.

This is one of my most popular Pinterest blog posts — however — since I am no longer providing Pinterest education and services, I will not be updating this post for GA4.

📌Note: I no longer offer Pinterest marketing services. Read the full backstory here.

Updated Video on Finding Pinterest Metrics in GA4

Learn More About Google Analytics:

I recommend Jeff Sauer, creator of Jeffalytics. Click here to become a Google Analytics wizard

This article contains affiliate links — which means I may earn a small commission on products I recommend. You’re helping me afford my coffee habit and I’m getting to share my favorite stuff — win-win!

Google Analytics is hands down the best way to track what’s working - and what isn’t - on your website.

From your landing pages, to blogs, to user flow, to where they’re leaving - the data available is extensive - and quite frankly, overwhelming.

Where do you even start?

Pinterest is my primary marketing method and source of website traffic and has consistently been the best content marketing return on investment (ROI) for my business.

I needed a way to jump into Google Analytics and see quickly what was working on Pinterest to get my audience onto my website.

Last year I enrolled in Jeffalytics to get a better understanding of Google Analytics.

I knew it was a big gap in my entrepreneur skill set that I needed to wrap my head around.

The course is super thorough and there’s a ton of information - but one of the best tips I’ve learned is how to quickly set up a Pinterest Segment in my Analytics.

It’s a smart idea to be able to point to exactly what content is driving traffic from different platforms.

I use this information to:

  1. Determine my most popular Pinterest content so I can create more pins.

  2. See what content is performing well from other sources (i.e. Facebook) that I might want to create Pins for.

Here's how to set up a Pinterest segment in just a few minutes:



I recommend going in once per month (twice if this stuff really floats your boat) and checking out your traffic that’s coming from Pinterest.

The biggest benefit of knowing what content of yours is doing well on Pinterest is it gives you a perfect place to start building your Pinterest Marketing Funnel.


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